Most of the time when someone call’s they jump straight into the problem and I don’t always get to open the ticket before doing the work as I always have a million things open and I’m just lazy.
Then I had an idea about what if I just make a simple hook to create a new ticket then straight away.
Easiest way off the top of my head is leveraging a program called AutoHotkey.
So here is what I’ve come up with.
; Open In Chrome as an App LControl & F11:: Run, chrome.exe --app=
LControl & F11 is the key I have it bound to, so you want that changed you can modify it to whatever you like.
Take a look at the Key List for reference.
If you want to use a different browser here is a few different variations.
; Open In Chrome New Window LControl & F11:: Run, chrome.exe --new-window ; Open In Chrome LControl & F11:: Run, chrome.exe ; Open In Default browser LControl & F11:: Run, ; Open In Internet Explorer browser LControl & F11:: Run, iexplore.exe ; Open In Edge browser LControl & F11:: Run, microsoft-edge:
If you don’t want to compile the script yourself, here is a compiled version of the chrome app script that I use.
Just run the file and press Left Ctrl + F11 to open a new ticket.