Looks like this is still needed unfortunately.
This script just puts in a simple service that checks every 5min if the agent service is running.
If not, it will fire it back up again. 5min should me more than enough for agent updates to take place without causing any problems.
But like all scripts posted here, use at your own risk.
If you want you can host the app on your own server, just change line 26 to match the new location.
The script only needs to be run once, so just set it as manual and trigger it.
The service runs in the background and will do the rest.
As always, if you would like to buy me a beer you can do so using this link.
@echo off net start | find "Advanced Monitoring Agent Watchdog" > nul 2>&1 if not .%errorlevel%.==.0. goto startservice echo Watchdog Service Found and running! goto skip :startservice net start "Advanced Monitoring Agent Watchdog" > nul 2>&1 net start | find "Advanced Monitoring Agent Watchdog" > nul 2>&1 if not .%errorlevel%.==.0. goto install echo Watchdog Service Already Installed but was stopped. echo Watchdog Service started! goto skip :install SET AgentDir= IF exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced Monitoring Agent" SET AgentDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced Monitoring Agent IF exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced Monitoring Agent GP" SET AgentDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced Monitoring Agent GP IF exist "C:\Program Files\Advanced Monitoring Agent" SET AgentDir=C:\Program Files\Advanced Monitoring Agent IF exist "C:\Program Files\Advanced Monitoring Agent GP" SET AgentDir=C:\Program Files\Advanced Monitoring Agent GP Del "%AgentDir%\AdvancedMonitoringAgentWatchdog.exe" echo Downloading Watchdog to %AgentDir%\AdvancedMonitoringAgentWatchdog.exe bitsadmin.exe /transfer WatchDog https://jcpit.com.au/rmm/AdvancedMonitoringAgentWatchdog.exe "%AgentDir%\AdvancedMonitoringAgentWatchdog.exe" echo Creating Watchdog Service... sc create AdvancedMonitoringAgentWatchdog binpath= "%AgentDir%\AdvancedMonitoringAgentWatchdog.exe" start= auto DisplayName= "Advanced Monitoring Agent Watchdog" echo Starting Watchdog Service... sc start AdvancedMonitoringAgentWatchdog echo Watchdog Install Complete! :skip